Dear Parents & Carers,                                                                                                                                   

Now that we are two thirds of the way through the year, I am noticing that, for the vast majority of children, their resilience in learning and their attainments are almost back to those we achieved together before the pandemic. I am very proud of the effort children and their families have made in, for example, reading at home, practising their times-tables, recognising that through putting right mistakes they have learned more, and in general increasing their pace and effort to recover the loss that many report is still a problem across the country. Presentation is still not as good as it was, but it is improving as children focus on their handwriting and are taking a real pride in the work they produce.

The lingering damage the pandemic has caused, which might have been made worse by the cost-of-living crisis, is a seeming selfishness, where people don’t deliberately only think about themselves, but don’t seem to notice the problems others face or even the effect they have upon others. In school we see this, in some children not sharing resources that are freely available in school, others not understanding why they should wait their turn, even some not listening to peers and teachers, yet expecting both to repeat comments or instructions when they are ready. During Lent, our children have recognised some of this in themselves, drawing it to my attention, and working in their families at school, are supporting each other to return to the collaborative, cooperative, happy, welcoming, thoughtful and considerate children we value and celebrate.

Diocesan inspection

As you will all be aware, we had our Section 48 Diocesan inspection of the school last week with two inspectors for two days. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank our children who spoke with the inspectors, our parents who gave up their time to speak with the inspectors and all of the families who responded to their survey. On your behalf I would like to thank all of our staff who so often go above and beyond for your children. As yet we have not received the report, as soon as we do next Term we will share it with you.

Triduum and Easter Services

Holy Thursday, 6th April at St. John Vianney Church, the Mass of the Last Supper: 6.00pm (watching till 8.00pm)

Good Friday: Walk of witness, leaving St. John Vianney Church at 10.00 am

Good Friday, 7th April at St. John Vianney Church, the Solemn Service: 3.00 pm

Holy Saturday, 8th April at St. John Vianney Church, Easter Vigil: 8.00 pm

Easter Sunday, 9th April at St. John Vianney Church, Easter Mass: 11.00 am

Our Stations of The Cross

It has been really lovely to see parents and friends joining us each morning this week to share our new way of the cross. The children in their families at school have worked hard together during Lent to create these new stations. If you didn’t get a chance to join us, they are displayed in St John Vianney Church so you can see them during Holy Week.

Lenten Giving

During Lent we have raised: £48.50 (almsgiving) for Earthquake relief in Turkey & Syria through Cafod, as part of the Disasters Emergency Committee; £355.00 (Easter Egg Raffle) and £82.00 (Name the Bunny) making a total of £437.00 for St. Cuthberts Care, a local charity support vulnerable families.

After another busy term, it feels very strange to not be marking the days of Holy Week in school this year. Your children have watched as each week one of the six candles of Lent has been extinguished. Today, one remains burning, and all the children promised to spend some time next week contemplating the darkness that comes as we remember the death of Jesus. Then celebrate the New Life of Resurrection. Please offer some prayers for our school and I will remember all of our children and families during the Triduum Services and especially at Mass on Easter Sunday.

Yours sincerely,

John Hardy

Head Teacher